Checking Overall Search Engine Position
Although there are thousands of Search Engines only a handful will bring substantial numbers of visitors to your site.
You can use Site Vigil to check the position of a site on all the important search engines. However, this can give you a mass of figures that are hard to interpret. Site Vigil simplifies this by automatically computing an Overall ranking figure for all the engines you monitor.
The Overall figure takes account of the relative importance of the different search engines to produce a score for each web page result found. It is more sophisticated than a simple average as some search engines are much more important than others. Ideally you will want to achieve an Overall ranking of number one for all search engines, but except for long, very obscure or specialised keywords this is not possible to achieve no matter what Search Engine Optimization firms may say. What was true a year ago is not the case now, the main reason why? - All the top web sites have used keyword analysis tools to enhance their rank on search engines.
See also : Search Engine Ranking ➚
Search Engine Positioning ➚
- Checking all pages available
- Tracking Advertisement Spend
- Tune Search Keywords
- Action a new listing
- Comparing speeds
- Check reliable and available
- Keeping vital statistics
- Monitoring search engine position
- Detailed Page Analysis
- Checking page content validity
- Flexible Alert generation
- Tracing the Culprit
- Detailed Page Analysis
- Top Search Engine Position
- Checking the Competition
- Overall Ranking
- Position Trend Graph
Site Vigil uses an Overall ranking to track a site's position without you needing to do anything special. Just select the search engines you wish to include in the ranking and let the software calculate the rank of all the sites using this unique measure.