Site Vigil / Upgrade
Version 4.1 Build 46 - Search Engine position monitoring
This version is an incremental upgrade to Site Vigil builds 31 through to 45. Monitoring settings are forwards compatible from all these builds.
Configuration and data files are backwards compatible. Please backup your configuration settings (using the Export feature in Options screen) and configuration folder contents before upgrading.
Release date 17th September 2003.
It contains the following major new features :
- Search engine position history maintained and displayed in graphical format.
- Status view shows all alerts from same source as a group
It contains the following enhancements to existing functionality :
- The search engine position report does not have engine or keyword in title
- The assumption that HTTP response header ends in \n has been removed
- The use of chunk headers in the HTTP1.1 protocol are now handled correctly
- If the search engine scan does not find any matches this should be a warning and not an alert condition
- Provide automatic retry for search pos query if should fail
- Additional error diagnostics reported for some rarer conditions
- The footer text on an email alert can be customised
The following fixes have been applied :
- 'Authorized' mispelt as 'authorised'
- The search position change was indicated as the wrong way around on the summary display
- The web page status server traffic graph was not rescaled correctly
- The search engine utility puts an http: in front of https: URLs in the results list
- In the web page status server some sites do not show traiffc graphs
- If an Internet Explorer Proxy address contains spaces then the entry may not be recognised correctly
- A spider scan may not find all the links in a page (especially AREA tag)
- The web page status server did not show all the pages being watched
- The web page status server did not cope with site names that had a space in them
- The diagnostic for some Ping time out conditions was incorrect
- The calculation of web page speed did not account for error conditions properly