Geology / Gallery

Lapworthia miltoni (1)
This fossil resembles present day brittle stars (Ophiuroids) - a type of starfish. Ophiuroids ➚ are a very successful group of invertebrate animals. Living in shallow seas this group can occasionally be so numerous that whole bands of sedimentary rock are called 'starfish' beds.
Lapworthia miltoni is a species that flourished in the shallow Silurian seas in the area now covered by Shropshire, UK. The species is recorded between the early Ordovician ➚ into the early Silurian (a time period of about 80 million years).
Division | Name |
Phylum | Echinodermata |
Subphylum | Echinozoa |
Class | Stelleroidea |
Subclass | Ophiuroidea |
Fossil gallery
- Brittle Star : Lapworthia miltoni
- Trilobite : Dalmanites myops
- Crinoid : Eucalyptocrinites decorus
- Gastropod : Poleumita discorus
- Trilobite : Calymene blumenbachi
- Graptolite : Cyrtograptus murchisoni
- Sponge : Ischadites koenigi
- Conodont : Ozarkodina typica
- Brachiopod : Pentamerus oblongus
- Graptolite : Petalograptus minor
- Brachiopod : Chonetes striatellus
- Cystoid : Lepocrinetes quadrifasciatus
- Bivalve : Pteronitella retroflexa
- Graptolite : Monograptus lobiferus
- Gastropod : Platyceras haliotis
- Crinoid : Sagenocrinites expansus
- Brachiopod : Atrypa reticularis