Silurian Software
Silurian Software have been offering advanced quality solutions for over twenty five years, some of our products have been available online for thirty years.
Our main current products are highlighted below, many have their own web site.

Sudoku Dragon
Every day we publish brand new, free puzzles on the Sudoku Dragon web site. You can solve these daily puzzles online in your browser.
SudokuDragon provides standard, diagonal (or X_Sudoku), Samurai, Word Sudoku and Squiggle (or Jigsaw) Sudoku puzzles.

An innovative and effect set of graphical effects based on our own, unique Fractal algorithms. We provide a free browser interface to let you explore a never ending universe of amazing patterns.

We have developed a brand new information web site all about China.
It is all about China's long history with all its many traditions and customs. The site covers every province and dynasty.
There are pages on silk, tea, bamboo, pandas, the Great Wall and everything that you can think of that is China related.
It also introduces the language with a stock of proverbs and a daily snippet of interesting information about China.

Cracking China
Your A-Z key to understanding all things Chinese
We are proud to announce a new printed book all about China based on our long term fascination with Chinese culture and traditions. The book contains an informal set of sixty topics in A-Z order covering everything from hair to kiwifruit, pandas to dragons.

Silurian Geology
Silurian is the name of an important period of geological time. This site has a range of informatory pages about Earth 400 million years ago when life started moving from the seas onto dry land.